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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It has been awhile since I have updated the ol' blog.  Here is what is going on with the Johnson Family.

Langston has turned 1.  Yes, my sweet NICU miracle baby is 1 year old.  He is busy and all over the place and we are blessed.  Over the course of 1 year, Langston has been to the ER twice (released within 12 hours each time), had regular visits to his pediatrician, audiologist, vision doctor, and visited the NICU follow up clinic.  We are pleased to report that Mr. Man is healthy and happy and developing about 1 month ahead of his gestational age.  He hasn't quite caught up to his actual age, but we feel confident that this will occur.  The hubby and I are just so pleased with his progress and couldn't be happier.

Langston sees his developmental therapist 3 times a month, and every week she is amazed with his progress at each visit.  We hope to be dismissed from TEIS when Langston turns 2, but if we are not, that is okay too.  Langston uses Mama and Dada quite frequently, but his communication isn't quite where is should be. We are hoping this catches up with time.

Here are some pics of my sweet boy over the course of this year:
Headed Home 07-04-12

First visit to the pediatrician: Dr. Aquino

Holding my bottle for the first time

Cutest darn dinosaur EVER! Halloween 2012
Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Christmas 2012

First Visit with Santa

All dressed up with no where to go-NYE 2012
January 2013-Happy Baby

1 year pics at Centennial Park April 2013