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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Son

I started a new blog today to journal about our son.  He deserves to be discussed, he deserves to be loved, kissed, cuddled, and given the world on a silver platter. He is fighter, he is blessed, and he is loved.  My goal to journal every day, but I must start from the beginning.  He deserves that much and more. 

If you want to know about the journey of our son, please visit

Langston Jett-Edward Johnson Born March 17, 2012 at 4:42 PM Weight: 1 lb 14 ounces Length: 13 inches

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

25 Weeks

We are 25 weeks pregnant today!  We have a check up next week, and the belly has definitely grown since then. It's crazy to think that I only have 15 more weeks left.  So grateful to get this far in the pregnancy. Praying for 15 more weeks of baby safely in the womb!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Joy and Pain

Bed rest has been a joy and a pain.  I have ordered several cute items for Langston, but not being able to get out and about as frequently as I would like is not as enjoyable. 

I'm thankful that I'm able to still continue my master's as I am able to get a lot of school work done during the day.  I'm currently working on my first portfolio, and it is a beast. 

My sister and her boyfriend came up this weekend to help with the packing marathon, and it was a really enjoyable weekend.  Anytime I get to spend with my sister is wonderful as she lives in Tallahassee, and I don't get to see her much.  She plans to return in a few months for my baby shower.  She and I found some pretty cute ideas for the Langston's celebration. 

The hubby's last clinical is quickly coming to a close, and this mommy couldn't be more excited.  He plans to take a day off before returning back to his regular work schedule to spend time with Langston and me.  We couldn't be more excited about it. 

Our final day at 1602 is March 17.  At first I was really emotional about it, but I have come to realize that God is closing one door to better prepare me for the opening of another.  The next home I will prepare will include a nursery for our sweet baby boy.  Just typing that is crazy to me. 

Cerclage update: As far as I know, everything is holding up.  Langston is still an active little one, and the hubby believes he is a little break dancer.  My next check up is March 14.  Every week that I'm still pregnant and have no contractions or complications is one more week of development and growth for our baby boy.  I still have peace that he is staying put until June. 

Friday, March 2, 2012


We have reached 24 weeks!  According to the doctors this is a milestone, and that things are improving with each week. I'm still on bed rest, but it has been modified.  I also have been released to attend my master's classes a few Saturdays a month.  This news makes me very happy as I enjoy human contact. Being on bed rest does not allow for much human contact besides with the hubby, baby boy, and the parents.

This weekend will be a weekend jam packed with moving.  Our POD arrived on yesterday, and the hubs and family will be packing it while I attend school tomorrow.  I'm very sad about us leaving our first home as a married couple, but I know God has great things in store for our little family to be.  We hope to be moving out of my parents house by mid-April. Of course this is contingent upon the health of the baby and me.

Wednesday and Thursday, I received my beta shots for Baby LJ's lung development.  According to the doctors, I should not need to receive these shots anymore, but we'll see.  My next ob-gyn appointment is March 14, and I hope to schedule my glucose screening test at that point as well.  I have been praying diligently that I pass the 1 hour test, so that I don't have to complete the three hour test. 

God willing, and I feel in my heart that He is, I hope to return to school by the end of the year still pregnant with Baby LJ of course.  I miss my students so much, and I can't wait to get back in a routine of sorts.  However, if the doctor advises against it, then this mama won't be seeing them until next year. :(

Dear Langston Jett-Edward Johnson,
Mommy and Daddy love you so much.  We can't wait to meet you, but we want you to remain in Mommy's belly until June.  No early arrivals for you young man.  We know that you are truly a blessing and miracle to this family, and we can't wait to see what the world has in store for you.  Mommy and Daddy plan to do our best to raise you in a Godly home full of love and support.  Your Nonny and Mimi are absolutely bonkers over you, and your GPa and Poppi can't wait to teach so many amazing things.  We love you, sweet baby boy.  Now please be good for Mommy and Daddy and arrive in June as a sweet, healthy, and full term baby boy.

Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cerclage Update

We had our check up yesterday.  Good News: Baby LJ is moving and grooving with a heartbeat of 152. 
Bad News:  This mama is on bedrest until Baby LJ decides to make his debut (praying for June). 

I was really upset with this on yesterday, but you know God's plans are not always your own.  We prayed that Baby LJ remain healthy and strong, and that I deliver a full term baby in June.  Like I said before, I feel very content in my spirit that this WILL happen.  I've stopped googling cerlcages and all that, and accepted that my pregnancy is my pregnancy.  I will remain positive because it's the only thing I have besides a growing boy that is wiggling as I type this. 

Sooo....since I will be on bed rest for the remainder of the school year and my paycheck will be limited if not non-existent, the hubby and I will be moving back in with my parents.  We will be saving a large amount of money by doing so, and I am very grateful that I have such a large family base willing to help us during this trying time. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tumultous Weekend, IC, and a Cerclage

Disclaimer:  This post is for me to document the goings on of this pregnancy.  Not asking for sympathy, just want to document my thoughts.

Friday, the 10th, was a regular day for me.  We had our 20 week ultrasound scheduled even though I was slowly approaching 22 weeks.  Our sweet baby boy was moving and grooving during the ultrasound, and LJ and I felt good about it.  We were escorted to the waiting room, and as we laughed and talked about our super active baby boy, we got the dreaded announcement..."Could you please come back to the exam room?".  Upon returning to the room, the ultrasound technician introduced us to the radiologist who told us to go straight to labor and delivery because my cervix was shortened and I could be leaking fluid. 

This news was absolutely devastating to hear, considering, we were having such a smooth pregnancy or so we thought.  As LJ drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital, I prayed and cried and I prayed and cried.  I managed between tears to call my mom, my sister, and my best friend.  Those women were absolute angels to me.  Their calming voices helped me to calm down as we reached the parking lot of the hospital.

After registering, we went to the third floor (labor and delivery) to a room with no bed.  The nurse was very kind and quickly found a bed for us.  The doctor came in and said that we would another extensive ultrasound and a cervix exam.  The ultrasound tech was a sweet (NOT) lady, and the doctor had the greatest bedside manner (NOT AT ALL). After completing all the exams he basically told us we would lose our son. There was no hope.  He discussed a cerclage and recommended that I have one.  After breaking down completely, LJ looked at me and said what do you want to do?  We both agreed that we would take the risk of having a cerclage performed to save our sweet precious baby boy.

I was willed to the OR and had a spinal.  After receiving that, the doctor performed the cerclage.  After completing the procedure, his demeanor completed change.  He said that there was no leakage, no rupture, and that I was dilated more than he thought, but he stitched as much as he could.  He went on to say that everything looked better than he expected.  I was admitted over night, and things went well over night.  I had no contractions, and hadn't had any during this whole process, which is also a very good sign.The doctor said that the next two weeks were critical as at 24 weeks the baby is more viable.  But I know in my heart of hearts that this baby is coming until he is full term.  He likes his current home too much as I feel him jiggle and move at this very moment. 

We were discharged Saturday morning and before we left, LJ asked the doctor to give it to him straight. His response was this "everything I was concerned about is not present, we will still need to take it day by day, but everything does look good."  Shocking to hear something so positive from a man that just completely wrecked my whole world just a few hours ago. 

As I type this, I am on a week of limited activity.  I cannot go to work, drive, workout, or climb stairs.  I am allowed to shower, get up for meals, and do some minimal walking. 

Through all this, my parents, my sister, my best friend, my co-worker Mary, my in-laws, sister-in-law, pastor, and especially my husband were absolute GODSEND.  This people showed me so much love, I'm overwhelmed.  I know in my heart and in my spirit, that our sweet baby boy will be delivered full term, happy, and healthy.  There is no other choice for me at this point.  We have come to far for us to lose this sweet baby now.  He has already brought so much joy and love to our lives that his physical presence will do nothing but enhance that.  From the various research reported to me and what I've done on my own, I'm in a very lucky spot.  I have experienced no contractions, no pain, no severe bleeding, and sweet lil man is still moving and grooving. I pray at least three times a day that God will deliver a happy healthy and full term baby in June of this year.  And I claim it in the name of Jesus that he will. 

The man that I married has been so strong, and I literally have fallen in love with him more than I thought was humanly possible.  My thoughts on becoming a parent have changed completely, and there is no rush on this baby arriving before June.  I have a check up on Wednesday at 11:30, and I know I will have only positive things to report. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Random List of Updates

1.  Baby LJ is doing well.  We have found out that several of our friends are expecting little ones. We hope to have lots of play dates in the near future.  :)

2.  I couldn't be more excited for a a sweet co-worker of mine that is expecting her second little one.  She shared the news with everyone today.  It was very sweet!  I believe I'm more excited for her than myself.  We now have 3 preggos at work. I'm due in June, one in July, and one in August. Yay for happy and healthy mommies with happy and healthy babies.

3.  The hubby got to feel his son last night.  I'm loving all the sweet moments between father and son.  The smile on his face when he felt his son was priceless, PRICELESS.  I'm so grateful for all the people that love Baby LJ as much as TPS and I do. 

4.  My first baby shower has been scheduled and I have been informed that several more are in the works.  I am beyond grateful and appreciative of the people planning to shower us with love.

5.  TPS completes his first clincial this week and begins his last next Monday.  We are so glad that we are approaching the end of program.  Now, we pray for job offers to begin rolling in.  So far, Goodlettsville and Clarksville have both offered him positions.  This mommy is hoping to be in Goodlettsville, but the Lord's plans are not always ours.

6,   We get to see our baby boy's sweet face this Friday. TPS may have to miss the appointment as he will be traveling back from work.  Cynthia the Great will be attending it with me.  Continuing to pray that all is well with our baby boy and that he continues to grow healthy and strong.

7.  Belly pics are hard to keep up.  I think I'm going to try to create a collage of pics from each trimester for the blog and Baby LJ's baby book.

8.  Baby LJ's crib bedding is here, and it is perfect.  Exactly what I wanted and envisioned for his nursery.  Now to pick the nursery furniture and decide where we're going to live. 

9.  Yay for big changes in our lives. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Special Momentos and Nursery Decor Hints

After finding out about the arrival of our sweet baby, TPS and our families began searching and/or creating little momentos to commemorate this very special occasion.

Baby LJ received several items this past year for Christmas.  His Meme and Poppi purchased him a silver plated box with his initials with a monetary gift for items needed for his arrival.
Baby LJ's silver plated box

His Nonny and GDaddy purchased him a large plush elephant which will go very nicely with his nursery decor.
Not sure what to call him!

And last but certainly not least (so cliche), his Daddy purchased him a wooden plaque with the bible verse that we fill truly describes him:
How sweet is this! 

If our son is anything like his father, he will want to keep as much of these special treasures as possible.  My husband has several things that were given to him before his arrival and during his childhood.  Love that man! 

Pregnancy Pics Weeks 6-9

Disclaimer:  I have not been very good about documenting the belly through pictures. I know we have weeks 12 and 15 on our iphones, but not on our camera.  I promise to do better for the second trimester.  In fact, I'm reminding my baby daddy to take pictures tonight.  HA!

Here is a collage of the belly for weeks 6-9, better known as sleepdom or nausea city. They were definitely not pleasant weeks for me.

The ever evolving belly!    

After looking at the pictures, I'm realizing that my belly has definitely grown since then! HA! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Baby Johnson is a..........

Baby Johnson is a bouncing baby BOY!  TPS and I met at our families at Love My Baby Bump, a local baby spa on Saturday to find out the sex of our little blessing.  Of course, my parents were late, but they always are! HA!

My mom and mom-in-law were so impressed with the spa and the ultrasound room.  They went on and on about how they wished this stuff existed when they were pregnant.  Once everyone was comfortable, the ultrasound technician began the ultrasound, and she immediately stated that Baby LJ was a boy.  The reactions of everyone in the room was utterly priceless.  Once again, the best part was my dad.  He began to cry realizing his dream of having a little boy was coming true.  TPS was in utter disbelief.  He is still in shock today.

Our little man is healthy (bpm ranges from 160-158) and quite the charmer.  We got pictures of him sucking his thumb, "hiding" in the placenta, and curling into a ball.  We were able to see a peek of his profile, and baby boy has his mommy's nose.  I'm just so thankful for this sweet little boy.  I had an inkling all this time that it was little boy.  When browsing the internet for nursery themes, clothing, and etc. my eye was immediately drawn to boy stuff.

Of course after the appointment came the fun stuff.......SHOPPING!  So many people said that shopping for a boy wouldn't be fun, but this mommy is loving it.  I may get tired of the polos, shorts, pants, and John Johns, but I doubt it.  Our son's Daddy, GDaddy, and Poppi are all sharp dressers, and I expect nothing less for our little man.   Here are some pics of his loot:

To our son:
You are so loved already.  You are so many dreams come true.  Mommy and Daddy wish nothing but the best for you.  We found out that your head is measuring ahead of schedule (by just a few days), and we're hoping that head holds a lot of smarts.  We have high expectations for you, and we know you will not only meet them but exceed them.  You have already changed our world, and we can't wait to see how you impact the world. 

Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 and a few updates!

2012 is here!  Of course, we couldn't be more excited about it considering it's the year our child will arrive.  Still so shocked about that!

Christmas weekend went by in a blur, we were very blessed to spend time with our families.  We both received gifts that are much appreciated.  We can't wait to see what Christmas with a little one will be like. I hear there is nothing like it.

We brought in the new year with TPS's sister and friend.  We ate at Bucca Di Beppo, and it was just what this pregnant lady wanted.  The leftovers were just as delicious the next day.

New Year's Day was spent at church and eating the traditional Southern New Year's Meal of black eyed peas and greens with my parents. I usually detest black eyed peas, but they were good!  If you know me, you know I don't do vegetables very well, and I was totally shocked at my liking for black eyed peas.

TPS and I talked and we don't really have any resolutions for the new year.  We both have some goals/changes that we would like to make, but nothing really major.

Johnson Family Goals
1) Rent or buy a starter home (very nervous about this)
2) Make better eating choices (a little at a time)
3) Blog more in order to have a journal for Baby LJ
4) Plan and design a nursery for the aforementioned arrival
5) Make a decision about my future employment
6) Build a better financial future for our offspring
7) Contentment (this is the biggie)