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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cerclage Update

We had our check up yesterday.  Good News: Baby LJ is moving and grooving with a heartbeat of 152. 
Bad News:  This mama is on bedrest until Baby LJ decides to make his debut (praying for June). 

I was really upset with this on yesterday, but you know God's plans are not always your own.  We prayed that Baby LJ remain healthy and strong, and that I deliver a full term baby in June.  Like I said before, I feel very content in my spirit that this WILL happen.  I've stopped googling cerlcages and all that, and accepted that my pregnancy is my pregnancy.  I will remain positive because it's the only thing I have besides a growing boy that is wiggling as I type this. 

Sooo....since I will be on bed rest for the remainder of the school year and my paycheck will be limited if not non-existent, the hubby and I will be moving back in with my parents.  We will be saving a large amount of money by doing so, and I am very grateful that I have such a large family base willing to help us during this trying time. 

1 comment:

  1. Been sending prayers your way since I read your first post about this. I've experienced a pregnancy that didn't go as planned but my heart told me all would be well and it was. Sometimes a mommy just do ;) Will be praying for you and little man.
