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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Show

I forgot to update you all, my loyal and sweet readers, about the fun that was had the night of "The Show".  SN:  If you have never heard "The Show" by Doug E.Fresh, I truly suggest you youtube it.  It is truly fantastic.  I LOVE THAT SONG!

Anyway, this girl ran out of the school building as soon as the big yellow school buses sent the little kiddies on their way, and got ready for my big night out with the girls.  We were all suppose to meet at Shae's house at 5:00 in order to be at PF Changs in Nashville by 6:15. Let's just go out on a limb, and say that "ish" didn't happen.  HA!  Girls will be girls, and we didn't roll up until about 5:30, and had a PF Changs reservation that had to be changed to 6:45.  We danced, laughed, and sang along to the all the hip hop greats as we rode down I-24.  We bumped the bass, and nodded our heads to Salt-n-Peppa's "Push It".  We had a grand 'ol time.  It also helped that the food at PF Changs was delish!  

The concert in itself was really fun.  We danced the entire time, even to songs we had never heard before.  Doug E. Fresh beatboxed for several minutes without ceasing, and it was truly awesome to watch.  All the acts performed the most poplular hits, and it was so excited to hear Wild Wild West.  Read here about my love for that song. 

We made it the concert just in time, and it was packed.  Lots of people came out in all their 80s glory.  I saw several Adidas jogging suits and kangol hats.  I hate to break to ya folks, but this girl did not revisit the 80s for her ensemble of choice.  Again,  I sincerely apologize.

Disclaimer:  The pictures were taken with my iphone, and for some reasons I always have the ghostly shading with all my pictures.  Anyone with the iphone want to help me out with this! 

Here are the pics from the night I experienced "The Show" live: 

The two birthday girls

Aren't they lovely?  I just love them!   

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm no Van Gogh!

A few of my teacher friends and I decided to be daredevils and experiment with our artistic sides! We went to a local paint shop called Swirlz! It's such a cute concept! We definitely had a good time! I wanted my painting to look exactly like the original but that didn't happen! HAHA! Still glad I went!

I did find it very relaxing to sit and just paint my cares away.  They played soft music, and the instructors were so friendly, kind, and reassuring of the fact that my painting didn't look at hot mess, though I strongly disagree!  I definitely plan to go again...maybe for my birthday.  :)

At the end of the day though, I had no painting, and I loved that it was an interesting interpretation of a cross, and I loved the bold colors! 

Here is a short photo montage of my attempt at art (excuse the quality of the photos, they are from the iphone):

Monday, March 28, 2011

Downhill Slope

In teacher world, the weeks following Spring Break are considered the "downhill slope".  I have a love/hate relationship with this said slope.  In a few weeks we take the (da da DA) the TCAP (state mandated standardized testing), and don't let me get on my soapbox about it.  After TCAP is the easy cruise to SUMMER BREAK. 8 weeks of bliss.  The 8 reasons I went into this profession (I kid), but it is a perk!  :)

So today, I welcomed my students back with a bright smile and an extremely rested nature. They are still a little sleepy from their late mornings and even later nights, but you can tell they are ready for summer as much as their teacher.  They look forward to finishing out this year with bang, and riding this downhill slope with me!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nothing Much

to report, and I am so good with that!  I have been cleaning and reorganizing the house,and feels good to clean and purge.  It's good for the soul!

TPS is on a two-week break from school, but still working.

Life is good, and we are blessed! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh, what a lovely feeling!

SPRING BREAK IS HERE!  And I do not have alot planned!  Just typing those words were blissful.  Was it as good for you as is it was for me?  :) 

I will be cleaning (oh how I desperately need to) and reorganizing the townhouse.  I am ready to move some things around and search Cynthia the Great's house for some "free" home accents. I am sure TPS is tired of looking at the same stack of clothes on the bed in the spare bedroom. HA! Once all my reogranizing and decorating is complete, I plan to update the blog with some before and after pics!

I will be eating lunch with a dear friend on my first day off, and painting with friends on my last day off, with nothing but me, myself, and I in between.  And I am okay with that.   Its good to have some down time.  I plan to cook dinner everyday this week, and spend some QT with TPS.  We both have had so much going on, that we are both looking forward to this break.

Concert Update:
The concert was AWESOME!  The girls and I had such a good time!  It was most definitely a blast! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

When did you fall in love with Hip Hop?

I know that Hip Hop isn't everyone's cup of tea. But rap and hip hop are different.  "So what's the difference between rap and hip hop?  It's simple.  It's like saying you love somebody and being in love with you somebody.  Rap is only a word!"  (quoted from the movie "Brown Sugar"). I feel that "true" hip hop is an art form.  Hip Hop is truly an insipiration to a variety of artists.  I have been a fan of Hip Hop since birth, and I fell in love at a young age. 

Cynthia the Great (my sweet mama) told me that I used to kick my little feet to the beats and bass of Kool Moe Dee's "Wild Wild West", and that as I learned to talk, I would sing all the words to that song at the top of my little lungs.  As I learned to walk, I could do "Humpty Dumpty", and the MC Hammer.  My friends and I would have "dance-offs" at birthday parties to further express our love for the music of our generation.  In the words of my students....Hip Hop is the truth.

I remember watching my sister and her friends sing all the lyrics to Salt-n-Peppa, and wear side ponytails and acid washed jeans. I remember my Daddy wearing his adidas jogging suits to parties with Cynthia the Great who was wearing some 80s hip hop outfit of her own. I can recall my sister making "mix tapes" with her boombox, and listening to them in her cassestte player. Again...Hip Hop is the truth. Real, honest, and pure are words of Hip Hop. 

So to honor my love of hip hop and to celebrate the bestie's and another close friend's birthdays, we are going to this:

And I can't wait!  I am so excited to spend time with some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for, and celebrate Shelley and Crystal's birthday in the process!  We are all meeting up after school at Shae's house to head to Nashville to experience some of the best in Hip Hop.  Real Hip Hop. True Hip Hop.  Pure Hip Hop.  And believe you me, we will be singing at the top of our lungs, kicking our feet, and having a dance off in the stands during this awesome show! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's the Final Countdown

T-minus 1 day until my week long love affair with sleeping-in late, lunch dates with friends, and couch-surfing begins! And this girl CANNOT wait!  I am in dire need of a school free zone!  Spring Break is a sweet sneak peek of the heavenly miracle that is SUMMER BREAK! 

No pictures from yesterday's birthday celebration, but take my word for it, it was a blast.  I love spending time with TPS's family, they are so fun!

I have a busy weekend ahead!  My friends and I will be celebrating this lady's birthday tomorrow night, and again on Sunday!  Meet the bestie:  Shelley Lou!

Hope to have lots of pics from this weekend's festivities! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Birthday Season is Upon Us

Meet my Mother-in-Law....isn't she lovely?

The Johnson Family!

My mother-in-law, or TPS's mom has a birthday today. Her birthday starts the "birthday" season.  Let me elaborate on why I like to call it the "birthday" SIL's birthday is in April, and then my sister and TPS's birthday is in May (the same day).   We have a break in June and July, then August hits.  Like I said before, I love birthdays, mine and all the people I love and hold dear, so I truly love to celebrate!  I believe that you should give "flowers" to those you appreciate while they live.

Ever since I started dating TPS, we have always went out to eat together as a family for this special occassion. And today is no different!  The Johnson Family will be eating some OLIVE GARDEN tonight, and this girl loves the OG!  TPS and I will be travel down the highway to Hendersonville to spend some QT with the fam. But we will be keeping it low key today as it is a work day, and this teacher has to be at work at 7 am tomorrow. 

I digress....back to my MIL!  She is one word=ELEGANCE!  This woman is absolutely amazing! She has been married to my wonderful FIL for 34 years, and the love they have for each other is never ending.  She truly is the "Claire Huxtable" of the Johnson family.  She is a retired physchologist for Centerstone, and got her masters while raising two small children.  She is the dedicated wife to a pastor, which is a struggle within itself.  She is so hard-working and driven, but her family comes FIRST without a doubt. With the help of her husband, she raised 2 beautiful, smart, and well-mannered children (one I married and love to pieces), and her list of accomplishments are astounding!  She is a great role model, and I am so blessed to have such fantastic in-laws! 

SN:  I used to be deathly afraid of her!  TPS has "liked" me since we were in middle school, and I always thought his mom didn't like me. I was a bit of a wild child in church, so I thought my "reputation" preceded me.  Also, TPS bought me a Mickey Mouse charm, and when we "broke up" I didn't give it back.  Okay......okay in my defense, I was 12 and when I asked if he wanted it back, and he said no.  So..... I didn't give it back. I know....I know!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today in a Nutshell

I feel like this..........................

I want to be here:

drinking Moscato!  My week of Spring Bliss can't start soon enough!  But I leave you with this:

The happiest day of my life! 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pictureless Post

This weekend was truly eventful.  Friday night, I went to my monthly maniucre appointment.  I really enjoy my manicures, and I am grateful that TPS allows me to get them done monthly.  He always "finds" money in our budget for my nails.  It's my way to decompress.  As I got my nails done, the nail technician asked about my old phone.  He then told me he would like to buy it.  YIPPEE!  I managed to get rid of my old phone for $60.  Works for me!

Saturday, I went out with a friend to celebrate her birthday.  We definitely partied hard, but a great time was had by all.

Sunday was very low-key.  I stayed at home, and relaxed.   It was much needed! I hope everyone had a great weekend as well!

Monday starts the last week before SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!  This girl can not wait.  My spring break list is LONG!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


In case you haven't figured out, I am a special education teacher.  I teach modified/resource reading and language to 22 students with disabilities ranging from autism to learning disabled.  I love what I do! My students are so funny and they truly say the darnedst things. 

Anywho.....the season of Spring brings IEPs or individualized education plans.  And guess who gets to write 32 individualized education  plans?  If you guessed are WRONG!  Its ME!!!  I get to be the author of 32 13 to 15 page individualized education plans.  Can you hear my excitement?  So......I will be writing IEPS until the cows home!

However, I will not neglect my 5 followers, though I realized that I may have some folks that read but don't follow!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Moscato and My Book Club

The girls and I met yesterday at Danielle's house for our monthly book club meeting.  I got to meet Moscato, a white wine, that I am now hopelessly in love with.  May the good wine gods bless us now and forever! I look forward to many more meetings with Mr. Moscato.  (I picked male for gender and I have no idea why!) Back to the book, we read and discussed this:

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

The ladies and I enjoyed this book and talked about it for a whopping 15 minutes!  We talked so much about other things that the book was the last thing we thought about (LITERALLY)!  However, the discussion was wonderful and we picked our book for next month which is:

I am so excited about reading this book.  I am ordering mine TODAY!   We are planning to see  "Water for Elephants" next month as our monthly gathering. It so nice to hang out with women who have similar interests as me and love life as much as I do.  It is such a blessing to have a group of friends that are in similar places as me. 

Crystal and Kori

Shae and Julie

Us intently discussing our views of the book
Danielle, Melody, Shae and Julie pretending to listen listening to the discussion quesitons

GOOD TIMES!  Definitely GOOD times!  I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and the moscato was a great addition to book club! Oh if I haven't mentioned Moscato, let me go on a record by saying I LOVE HIM! Moscato and I are going to be great friends!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 for 30 update, Book Club, and oh yeah the iphone

REA-DY! O-KAY!  (visions of pleated skirts and pom poms are dancing in my head) Now for the update on the 30 for 30!  I live in TN, and if you know anything about TN the weather is bipolar crazy.  Last week, everyday was above 60 degrees, and nothing in my 30 for 30 could accommodate that weather.  So, my plan  is to redo my 30 for 30 when the weather becomes a little more stable which should be soon.  I plan to have a new 30 for 30 ready by next Monday.  Now, that I know what I know, I will definitely incorporate jeans, layering pieces, and t-shirts. Who loves t-shirts?  THIS GIRL!

Update on the hubby!  One word=FABULOUS!  He is truly my soul mate.  He loves me in spite of, and I am love him more today than I did yesterday.  He has tests again this week, and he is studying his heart out.  I love that man's dedication, drive, and work ethic.  Here is a pic of my sweet man!

I love this man!  I was one proud of girlfriend!

Sunday, TPS surprised me with my new (drumroll please) iphone!  Two words=LOVE IT!   I have no idea how I functioned without one for all this time.  My daddy just got one (he is 58 by the way), and he loves it.  It is so funny to watch him operate his phone and use it.  I plan to demand suggest he buy one for my mama.  Cynthia the Great must have an iphone too!

Work is good, and my social life is booming.  My wonderful MIL's birthday is the 16th, and my bestie's is the 20th.  I love birthdays, my own and everyone that I love.  So updates on these two events will be posted. 

I have book club tonight on Nicholas Sparks' "Safe Haven".  Can't wait to discuss this book with the girls and hear their opinions. We definitely  are an opinionated bunch of ladies.  Tonight will definitely be blogworthy!

Thanks to Mary Ellen and Emma for your encouraging words!  Words cannot express how I am grateful I am to know you!


Its been too long, my friends, too long! I had a minor setback, but its all good!  (I can't believe I just said that). You live and learn, and all that jazz.  I had to take a short break, gather myself, and move on.  I have to say this, things happen for a reason, and things and people are exposed for a reason as well! You live and you learn. I am glad to say that I am back and in full effect.  Ok....enough with the cliches.

Last weekend, a friend of mine and I took two little girls out for their last weekend in town.  These two girls are the sweetest things ever, and I miss them everyday.  Ty and Shauna have been apart of my life since the day they were born.  Shauna is now 12 and Ty is 10. 

Here are pics of our day together. We had a blast, and I will always remember it. We took them out to eat at O'Charley's for lunch, we saw Gnomeo and Juliet (super cute movie) and bought Gnome bracelets to remember each other by.  I loved every second I got to spend with these girls. 


Our "Gnome" Bracelets

Our "last" picture together (just seeing this makes me miss them more)

I am so glad I got to spend this time with them.  Girls, I am thinking of you always, and pray that you all are having a super fantastic time in Florida.  Love you! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Slight Sabbatical

I didn't mean to be away this long.  I have had alot happen the past couple of days and I am trying to get my thoughts and feelings together.  Give me time and I promise to be back soon.  Hopefully within the week! 

See ya soon,