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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pictureless Post

This weekend was truly eventful.  Friday night, I went to my monthly maniucre appointment.  I really enjoy my manicures, and I am grateful that TPS allows me to get them done monthly.  He always "finds" money in our budget for my nails.  It's my way to decompress.  As I got my nails done, the nail technician asked about my old phone.  He then told me he would like to buy it.  YIPPEE!  I managed to get rid of my old phone for $60.  Works for me!

Saturday, I went out with a friend to celebrate her birthday.  We definitely partied hard, but a great time was had by all.

Sunday was very low-key.  I stayed at home, and relaxed.   It was much needed! I hope everyone had a great weekend as well!

Monday starts the last week before SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!  This girl can not wait.  My spring break list is LONG!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I used to be a pathological nail biter, but then one day I just seemed to stop. Well, not quite, I'm still tempted, but I'm good and don't. I was going to reward myself for not letting myself get back into the habit with a professional manicure, but it's one of those things on my list for that ever elusive One Day. One day I'll catch up to One Day.

    Can't wait to hear what you get up to on Spring Break. Is that like a holiday that goes for 3 months?
