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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 for 30 update, Book Club, and oh yeah the iphone

REA-DY! O-KAY!  (visions of pleated skirts and pom poms are dancing in my head) Now for the update on the 30 for 30!  I live in TN, and if you know anything about TN the weather is bipolar crazy.  Last week, everyday was above 60 degrees, and nothing in my 30 for 30 could accommodate that weather.  So, my plan  is to redo my 30 for 30 when the weather becomes a little more stable which should be soon.  I plan to have a new 30 for 30 ready by next Monday.  Now, that I know what I know, I will definitely incorporate jeans, layering pieces, and t-shirts. Who loves t-shirts?  THIS GIRL!

Update on the hubby!  One word=FABULOUS!  He is truly my soul mate.  He loves me in spite of, and I am love him more today than I did yesterday.  He has tests again this week, and he is studying his heart out.  I love that man's dedication, drive, and work ethic.  Here is a pic of my sweet man!

I love this man!  I was one proud of girlfriend!

Sunday, TPS surprised me with my new (drumroll please) iphone!  Two words=LOVE IT!   I have no idea how I functioned without one for all this time.  My daddy just got one (he is 58 by the way), and he loves it.  It is so funny to watch him operate his phone and use it.  I plan to demand suggest he buy one for my mama.  Cynthia the Great must have an iphone too!

Work is good, and my social life is booming.  My wonderful MIL's birthday is the 16th, and my bestie's is the 20th.  I love birthdays, my own and everyone that I love.  So updates on these two events will be posted. 

I have book club tonight on Nicholas Sparks' "Safe Haven".  Can't wait to discuss this book with the girls and hear their opinions. We definitely  are an opinionated bunch of ladies.  Tonight will definitely be blogworthy!

Thanks to Mary Ellen and Emma for your encouraging words!  Words cannot express how I am grateful I am to know you!

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