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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Its been too long, my friends, too long! I had a minor setback, but its all good!  (I can't believe I just said that). You live and learn, and all that jazz.  I had to take a short break, gather myself, and move on.  I have to say this, things happen for a reason, and things and people are exposed for a reason as well! You live and you learn. I am glad to say that I am back and in full effect.  Ok....enough with the cliches.

Last weekend, a friend of mine and I took two little girls out for their last weekend in town.  These two girls are the sweetest things ever, and I miss them everyday.  Ty and Shauna have been apart of my life since the day they were born.  Shauna is now 12 and Ty is 10. 

Here are pics of our day together. We had a blast, and I will always remember it. We took them out to eat at O'Charley's for lunch, we saw Gnomeo and Juliet (super cute movie) and bought Gnome bracelets to remember each other by.  I loved every second I got to spend with these girls. 


Our "Gnome" Bracelets

Our "last" picture together (just seeing this makes me miss them more)

I am so glad I got to spend this time with them.  Girls, I am thinking of you always, and pray that you all are having a super fantastic time in Florida.  Love you! 

1 comment:

  1. :( Change can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes it hurts eh. Glad to see things have settled down and you're back :)
