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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

The Proposal and Marriage to TPS (the preacher's son)

Our Past

It has been said by many members of our church that TPS has loved me since we were little. In a way, I knew this. I noticed him staring at me during church service, and holding doors open for me, but I didn't really want to acknowledge it.  Not to toot my own horn, but I was pretty cute kid!  :)

TPS was the poster child for a "good" kid.  He made good grades, never really got in trouble, and absolutely everyone loved him.  And I do mean everyone.  I discovered that TPS really "liked" me when I was in the 7th grade.  He asked me "out" on the front steps of the church after service on Sunday. 

Our relationship consistsed of long distance phone calls via calling cards, and daily emails from the dial up internet, but it was our first relationship. He broke up with me through an email!

We dated again in high school.  I was his date to his senior prom, but he wasn't my date for mine.  I broke up with him on vacation in Virgina.

We dated again while in college, I broke up with him for a loser who later dumped me.

Throughout all of this, we remained friends.  I could always count on him.  He never forgot my birthday or Christmas.  He was just such a sweet friend. 

So one day as I reflected on all my bad relationships and the very few that worked, he came to mind.  With that thought, I called him.

We talked, and decided that we needed to hang out.  Hanging out led to dating and the rest is history!

Our Proposal

TPS proposed to me on December 12, 2008 in Nashville, TN.  My birthday was two weeks prior, and he bought us tickets to see the Nutcracker ballet.  I was dance for over 20 years, so ballet holds a special place in my heart.  I was so excited to see it.  However, I knew it was going to be a long night.  I was currently still in my first year of teaching, and I was pretty exhausted after each day.  However, we went anyway. 

We had dinner reservations at Maggianos (so good), and while eating, TPS seemed "really" nervous.  So....being the very upfront and honest person that I am, I asked him was he planning to propose, and he replied with a simple NO.  My response was ok, and I kept it moving.

We then attended the ballet, and it was stunning.  It was everything I dreamed it would be and more, but just as I had predicted, the night was long, and this girl was tired! TPS had mentioned throughout the night that his sister was sick and he really wanted us to check on her before he drove me back to Clarksville. With a big yawn, I said okay.

As we drove home to his sister's house, he talked about our plans for the weekend, and I listened, but truly I was out of it.  We got to her house, and down the hallway are lights, and at every couple of steps is a momento from our relationship from a pan (I used to hit him with pans after every bake sale at church), a Mickey Mouse (first piece of jewelry he ever bought me), our first movie together (The Wedding Planner), a ticket stub from a Stevie Wonder concert we attended while dating, and so much more.  I was so out of it, I honestly didn't know what to think.  Then.....

We got to the end of the hallway, and there was a small table with 2 dozen roses of pink and purple, respectively, and in between these roses was a small box.  (He went to Jared!) I opened the box and it was empty.  I turned around and TPS was down on one knee.  He proceeded to tell me that I was the love of his life, and that he had no idea what God had planned for his future, but he knew God didn't intend for him to live the rest of his life without me!  I was truly speechless.  He looked at me, confused, and then said "Are you going to answer?"  Well....I am sure you figured out my answer!

Our Wedding

In a nutshell, BEAUTIFUL!  It was definitely an adventure.  We decided to get married on December12, 2009. One year from the proposal.  We were married at the Scarritt-Bennett Center at 6:00 pm.  Our colors were tiffany blue, white, and black.  My bridesmaids were black and had tiffany blue ribbons intertwined in their bouquets.  Our reception was at the Nashville City Club.  It was a gorgeous, Cynthia the Great did a fantastic job decorating for the wedding and the reception.  It truly was the happiest day of my life.  Of course like my life, it didn't go off without any mishaps.  My dad got lost, and didn't arrive at my reception.  I was devastated to say the least, but once again TPS came to the rescue.  He scheduled for my dad and I to have our father-daughter dance at Christmas dinner that night,  and that simple gesture meant the world to me!   Here are some of the pictures from that very special day!

After all the celebrating of our new life together, TPS and I moved into a townhouse, and have loved each other and life more then ever before! TPS is a 2nd year in PTA school, and I am in my 3rd year of teaching.  We want children, and whenever God sees fit to bless us with one then our life as parents will begin.  But until that day, this blog will journal our lives as a married couple and the stuff that goes with it called LIFE!