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Engagement 12-12-2008

Wedding Day 12-12-2009

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Uneventful Weekend and an iPhone

Hi  Here is goes the update of the weekend with TPS and me.

Friday was a good day.  My students earned a party for scoring 86% as a class on their Content Mastery tests for their last unit.  They are always so excited to do something outside the norm.  They enjoyed their chips, cookies, and candy while watching Megamind, which by the way was kinda cute!  Its amazing what movies 6th, 7th, and 8th graders enjoy watching.  Friday was jean day for staff (insert happy dance here).  Friday night, I hung out with the mom.  It was nice to spend time with her, I really appreciate my time with her.  TPS was at Room at the Inn with his friend, Lou.  They spent the night with 9 homeless men, and witnessed to them and just talked.  TPS said he had a great time.  However, he didn't sleep at all Friday night.......which leads me into Saturday.

Saturday was supposed to be date night for TPS and me.  We have had several date nights in, and I had demanded expressed my desire to go OUT! Well, THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN.  TPS decided that he was going to play videogames and then didn't fall asleep until after 3pm.  Needless to say he was out for the night.
Gotta love him!

Sunday was second time directing Children's Church. The kids really enjoyed themselves and I had a great day.  Here is a pic of the outfit I wore for church. 

Disregard the horridness of this picture!  It looked MUCH better in person!